Our Services
Nail Spa Center
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Relaxing Hand Massage

Manicure with shellac polish
File, soak, cuticle clean up, relaxing hand massage, shellac polish

Bio Gel Full set
Put tips(extension) make your nails longer, put bio gel liquid,shape,shellac color. it’s look nature and thin, last long around 3weeks or more.

Solar Full set
Add tips make longer, shape, apply solar gel powder, make it thin and smooth, shellac color, hand massage, cuticle oil. Solar gel Not change yellow, last long,natrure, last around 3 weeks or more.

Acrylic Full set
Add tips make longer, shape, apply acrylic powder, make it thin and smooth, shellac color, hand massage, cuticle oil,last around 2-3 weeks or more.

Deluxe manicure with Shellac
File, soak, cuticle clean up, relaxing hand and arm massage, paraffin wax, shellac polish

Dipping Overlay
On your real nail, NO EXTENSION

Dipping Fill
On real nail and clear dipping powder only, NO EXTENSION